Company Details
Members of both the Royal Institute of British Architects (Chartered Practice) and the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, cb3 design are a creative team of design professionals with extensive experience across a wide variety of building types and sectors. With our Client focussed approach we tailor our wide range of potential services to suit the particular requirements of each and every project.
cb3 design architects is a trading name of cb3 design associates ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Company number: 02216333. Registered Office: Carlyle House, 78 Chorley New Rd, Bolton, BL1 4BY. V.A.T. Reg No. 511 6140 95
Neil Babb BSc (Hons)
Keven Lester BA(Hons), BArch, ADPP, RIAS, RIBA
Paul Ackerman MA(Hons), DipArch, RIAS, RIBA (Scotland)
Royal Institute of British Architects Chartered Practice No. 2799420P
All visual information is copyright material.
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