Peebles Fireworks Display


We’ll be involved
with a different form of building this weekend for the Peebles Annual Fireworks Display; Paul is a member of the Peebles & District Round Table and has
graduated (solely through a lack of other willing stooges) to a role as chief
firestarter on the Guy Fawkes bonfire.  The Table’s efforts through
the autumn culminate in the show in Victoria Park, Peebles, on Saturday (7th

It’s going to be
the biggest display yet and, with the kind support of sponsors Stobo Castle Health Spa, all donations taken on the night to go directly to local charities,
groups and good causes.  Come along,
support the community, and spend some time ooh’ing, ahh’ing and craning your
neck!  The bonfire will be lit at 7.00pm and
the fireworks display will start at 7.30pm.
Peebles Annual Fireworks Display flyer for 7th November 2015.

Have you ever wondered why all fires are the
same shape?  Ever wondered why fires are
shaped as cones and pyramids, as tall as they are wide at the base? Why they
look the same in all sizes, from the barbecue to the firewood in the chimney to the
annual November pyres?  Well, (if you’re
really bored and have time on your hands) read this and wonder no more!
Scientific graph showing why humans build fires the same shape
Graph & linked article courtesy of