National Space Standards


The Department for Communities and Local Government released a statement just before Easter regarding changes primarily to the Planning System. A significant element of this sets minimum space
standards for new build homes in England. Local Planning Authorities will need
to consider local housing needs and any impact on land availability
affordability in implementing the standards. It is understood this will be picked up through the planning system but it is not yet clear how Local Authorities will implement this.
The technical details published include minimum standards for overall properties and minimum bedroom sizes as follows (click to link through to main document):
Space Standards: Technical Requirements
Space Standards: Technical Requirements
Space Standards: Technical Requirements
Space Standards: Table 1

The RIBA has campaigned for such standards at a national
level in recent years, which have previously been introduced in London and by
some individual Local Authorities.
Other details released in the statement include
some Building Regulation revisions and confirmation that the Code for
Sustainable Homes has now been withdrawn for future developments.
Please give us a call if you wish to discuss this or require further information.