Home Extensions – Permitted Development: England and Wales: When PD goes bad


The 10
Worst Permitted Development Loopholes

In a recent blog we
put up a link to further advice on Permitted Development, this one is a little more light-hearted but does provide food for thought.
PD Rights can be very useful in
improving the layout and increasing space available in your house.
However, it can be open to misuse
which can lead to some developments that are not suitable and lead to missed
opportunities and compromised spaces if taken too literally.
Clicking the image below will take you through to the Planning Jungle document produced to show the extremes of the PD allowances.
 10 Worst Permitted Development Loopholes
The 10 Worst Permitted Development Loopholes
Recent changes to PD
provide a powerful tool created to try to reduce the log jam in local planning
authorities, by automatically allowing minor development without the need for
often complicated, costly and frustrating dealings with multiple parties with
different vested interests. A Certificate of Lawfulness can be applied for as proof a proposal is valid under Permitted Development.