An alternative to Concrete?

We found this article quite an interesting read. Concrete is often the architect’s favorite material but it doesn’t have the greatest environmental score. Could this new product change all that by giving us a viable concrete alternative with great green credentials? Sea Stone

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Have you come across the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Has your employer or household? Implemented in 2016, as a nation we are committed to meeting 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The goals are a medium term plan to help sustain our surroundings for the benefit of our children’s generation. They cover many aspects… Read more »

How can we make our homes warmer and more efficient?

Winter weather highlights the issue of inefficient & cold homes. For some it can be difficult retaining comfortable conditions without breaking the bank, however, cost is not the only issue. Currently, buildings account for 20% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions and as many of these are homes which will still be in use in… Read more »