eco, off-grid, low energy house

Look at that view – and the sun isn’t even shining! What an incredible location for a new off-grid, low-energy, eco house. With Planning permission recently granted, we hope to have the Building Warrant in place shortly to allow kick-off on site. We’ll be posting pictures as the work progresses, so watch this space!

Fire and Smoke Alarms – Changes to the Law in Scotland

Just in case some of you haven’t seen the recent issue of Scottish Government policy on Home Fire Safety, please follow the links below to find out more. These changes to the law will come into force in February 2021 and will apply to all homes in Scotland. In a nutshell, every home will require:… Read more »

How can we make our homes warmer and more efficient?

Winter weather highlights the issue of inefficient & cold homes. For some it can be difficult retaining comfortable conditions without breaking the bank, however, cost is not the only issue. Currently, buildings account for 20% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions and as many of these are homes which will still be in use in… Read more »

LABC Awards for 2017 Projects

We are pleased see this recently completed house renovation & extension be put forward for an award in the LABC Awards 2017. The judges highly commended the project, which consists of a whole house renovation & rear extension. The team at Warrington Borough Council LABC nominated this residential home in the Northwest Region in the… Read more »